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Rezervácia stola

360 Bar - Rezervácia stola

1061 Budapest, Andrássy út 39

Počet hostí

Kedves Vendégünk! Privát igloo foglalására 6főtől van lehetőség. A 110.000 Forint foglalási díjból 100.000 Forint lefogyasztható a helyszínen. // Dear Guest! Please note we offer private igloo bookings from 6ppl. Reservation fee is 110.000 Forint from which 100.000 Forint can be used for drinks&food during your visit.

Typ rezervácie

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360 Bar

Number of guests 2



Dostupné časové úseky

Service by ReservOurs

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360 Bar

Number  of guests 2
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Service by ReservOurs

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360 Bar

Number  of guests 2
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Service by ReservOurs


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360 Bar

number of guests 2
calendar icon 2021. 11. 30.
clock icon 9:30
glass icon 2h
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