Rezervácia stola

Tihanyi Vinarius - Rezervácia stola

8237 Tihany, Kiserdőtelepi út

Počet hostí

Kedves Vendégeink!

Aznapi vagy 12 fő feletti foglalás esetén kérjük hívjanak minket telefonon a +36 30 172 2650 telefonszámon

Service by ReservOurs

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Tihanyi Vinarius

Number of guests 2




Service by ReservOurs

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Tihanyi Vinarius

Number  of guests 2
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Service by ReservOurs

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Tihanyi Vinarius

Number  of guests 2
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Service by ReservOurs


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Tihanyi Vinarius

number of guests 2
calendar icon 2021. 11. 30.
clock icon 9:30
glass icon 2h
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